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For Unlimited Logo Design, Graphic Design, Video Editing, Motion Graphics, Copywriting and more.

5 resources for designing a UNIQUE logo

How frustrating are those times when you have sat in front of your PC, you have created what you think is an out of this world design or creation, only to feel slightly let down by the way you have presented it with a lacklustre font.

Whether you are just a casual designer, who likes to spend some of your spare time doodling on a PC, or are an avid enthusiast who only leaves the PC for ‘snacks’ and ‘toilet needs’, these people/places are a pretty cool way to go for those mental block moments which we ALL acquire occasionally.

Maybe the cloud in your design is perfect, but just not for that design. or you need to see another variation of a cloud, then without a shadow of doubt THESE sites, between them, will provide more than enough inspiration for you to finish the job perfectly.

EVERY designer these days, if they have a good internet connection, can NOT say that they have not ‘had a peep’ over at a different web site for that little piece of inspiration that is needed.
The possibilities can seem endless once you do start to spend time browsing around what is actually an immense digital library!

As a creative designer myself, I think that without such sites, and all of the tools that are freely available out there, that logo designing – in fact ANY type of graphical designing – would be a lot less colorful, and nowhere near as popular as it is right now. Everywhere you look nowadays has some sort of logo or design which usually is instantly recognizable without even reading a word.

The word could be there, yes, but think about how many typography logos you recognize before actually reading what they say. For instance seeing the CocaCola brand name from a distance where it would not be possible to read the actual text. I would be willing to bet pound to penny that 99% of the worlds population would know what that ‘sign’ represents.

So, onto the sites which I think, can help your powers in logo design, and bring a whole new creative perspective on your work. No doubt, once you start browsing, these sites will enhance your skills and give you that ‘boost’ that you are looking for.

I hope you enjoy these sites half as much as I have, and that they point you in the direction that you need to be pointed.

1 – http://www.naldzgraphics.net/ This place is overflowing with ANYTHING and just about EVERYTHING, from tutorials, inspirations, and freebies.
2 – http://www.fudgegraphics.com/ Just as impressive a place to be, with close on all what my number 1 has.
3 – http://www.good-tutorials.com The name says it all really, good tutorials on just about ANYTHING, from vector design, typography right through to Flash and Web design.
4 – http://www.blog.spoongraphics.co.uk/ Another really modern site, with some fantastic tuts on very modern logo design and graphic design.

5 – http://www.tutorialsphere.com/ Another place you MUST visit when you just cant get that little something right. My money says that you will find what you need here !