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Ways To Spark Your Inspiration As A Logo Designer

  • Creative block is common in logo designers, and sometimes it’s not as easy to get out of it as people assume. 
  • You can spark your inspiration in places that you may never have thought of before. We share all the ways that you can find inspiration and creativity, even when it feels hopeless. 
  • Look towards visual social media platforms, music, disconnecting from your devices, and time with friends for your inspiration. 

As a logo designer, your mind is the most important part of your body. This is where you’ll get your creativity and where your most amazing pieces of work will come from. It doesn’t matter if you’re mocking up t-shirts designs or working on a logo design, graphic design inspiration comes from all different places. If you’re stuck in creative block or just having trouble finding inspiration, it’s just around the corner. 

It can be hard when you’re fighting creative block and every time you sit down to work it just seems impossible, but inspiration often sparks when we least expect it. Inspiration is everywhere, sometimes we just need a little help finding it. The right kind of inspiration will give you the push you need to get out of your creative block and get unique ideas for your graphic design projects. 

If you’re stuck in a creative block and trying to spark your inspiration, we have a few of the best ways for you below! 

The right kind of inspiration will give you the push you need to get out of your creative block and get unique ideas for your graphic design projects. 

Look Towards Social Media 

If you aren’t feeling the inspiration, you can start by looking at social media to see if you can find something that inspires you. Social media is filled with accounts and content that has inspiration for graphic designers. Instagram, Tumblr, and Pinterest are all visual social media platforms, making it easy for you to see artwork that inspires you while you scroll. You can find graphics by searching specific categories that are related to what you’re working on. Next time that your inspiration starts to fail, browse these social media platforms and see if it sparks your inspiration for your next project. 

Nothing good will come from forcing yourself to work, and when you give yourself a break and let your brain rejuvenate you might be surprised at the creativity that comes from it.

Take A Step Away From The Computer 

You’re a graphic designer, which means that your job revolves around your computer and spending time online staring at a screen. You may think that sitting at your desk and working is the way that you’ll get the most done but this can actually be when you’re most unproductive. Forcing yourself to try to accomplish more work even when you aren’t feeling it can lead to you feeling even more creative block. 

Turn off the computer, take a step back and let your brain relax. Nothing good will come from forcing yourself to work, and when you give yourself a break and let your brain rejuvenate you might be surprised at the creativity that comes from it. Spend your time away from the work taking a hot shower and decompressing or going for walk and letting yourself relax. 

When the clock is ticking during the workday, you can’t afford to let the biggest cause of lack of productivity get in the way of your workflow; procrastination.

Use The Two Minute Rule 

When the clock is ticking during the workday, you can’t afford to let the biggest cause of lack of productivity get in the way of your workflow; procrastination. To avoid procrastinating and putting off work, use the two-minute rule to accomplish work. Not only does procrastination kill your productivity, but it also gets in the way of new ideas flowing through your brain. When your brain stops working, your creativity stops working as well. 

This rule is not only easy, but it really works and even big entrepreneurs use it to fight procrastination. Set your timer for two minutes and devote that two minutes to working on your task. This can be the task that you’ve been struggling with or just something to get your motivation flowing again. The idea behind this idea is that, even after the two minutes are up, you’ll still have enough motivation to continue with your work. 

Turn up the music to get the ideas flowing and to set the mood for your design.

Turn Up The Music 

Music can affect us in all different ways, including sparking our creativity. It can either be a short dance break when you turn up your favorite music to dance it out and let loose or you can turn on some music while you work. Either way, music has been known to jump-start your creativity, regardless of what you’re listening to. Turn up the music to get the ideas flowing and to set the mood for your design. 

Taking a walk and connecting with nature can be the perfect place to find inspiration when you can’t see it anywhere else.

Take A Walk 

As a graphic designer, you get caught up in your head and everything can get overwhelming. When you have too much going on inside your head, not only is it difficult to work, but it’s difficult to think of any new ideas or find inspiration anywhere. At times like these, you have to clear your head and get some space away from your work. 

Taking a walk and connecting with nature can be the perfect place to find inspiration when you can’t see it anywhere else. Take a walk, look at your surroundings, breathe and disconnect from your computer, the office, and work. Let your head clear and don’t search too hard for inspiration. Chances are that it’ll come to you by itself without any help. 

Sometimes chatting with your peers and connecting with friends can be the prod that you need to get started again.

Chat With Friends 

Sometimes chatting with your peers and connecting with friends can be the prod that you need to get started again. When you’re caught up in your head by yourself working, every idea can start to seem like a failure regardless of what it is. This can not only be frustrating but also wear down your confidence. Whether it’s getting to talk to someone going through the same thing or bouncing ideas off one another, getting together and chatting with friends may be exactly what you need.