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How To Make An Eye-Catching Movie Poster
Movie posters matter significantly when promoting movies and advertising them to the public There are a few things that you want...
Best Tablets For Logo Designers
Finding a high quality drawing tablet is important for any graphic designer, but the process can seem overwhelming when you’re...
How To Break Free From Your Creative Rut
Getting stuck in a creative rut can halt your work and leave you feeling discouraged The good news is that there...
Logo Designer Names That Everyone Should Know
To better understand logo design, you have to know the history behind it and who influenced it There have been many...
Best Graphic Design Skillshare Classes
Skillshare is a widely known and used platform that has thousands of classes for creatives that range from beginner to...
Famous Logo Designers and Their Success Stories
We hear about famous logo designers all the time, but few of us actually know their accomplishments and their story ...
Ways To Spark Your Inspiration As A Logo Designer
Creative block is common in logo designers, and sometimes it’s not as easy to get out of it as people...
How Milton Glaser Changed Graphic Design
If you’ve been in the world of graphic design for more than a minute you’ll already have heard some of...
Inspiring Logo Designer Series: Neatlines
Neatlines is a freelance logo designer who often works through 99designs, where he’s rated as a top-level designer.
Inspiring Logo Designer Series: Alexey Efimenko
Alexey Efimenko is a graphic designer and web designer from Kiev, Ukraine, whose designs make a major impression. Efimenko has designed...
Why You Need An Online Portfolio (And How To Build It)
When companies hire creatives, either on a full-time or freelance basis, they want to know as much as they can...
10 Logo Designers Who Have Rocked Our World
Over the decades there have been countless famous brands with their respective attractive logos, and it’s often wondered who created...
Top 3 Ways to Hire a Logo Designer
Your business highly needs a lot of visual materials. Your salespeople need brochures to show prospects. Your storefront needs a...
Easy Ways to Become a Better Logo Designer!
As a designer, it can be difficult to find productivity to do the necessary work for clients.
Cool creature cups.
I don’t know about you, but in the morning I need my coffee. So I can function.
How to survive creatively as the only person in your office
The first thing you’ll want to do is research the industry the logo is for. You want to know as...