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The History Of The Hogwarts Logo
You’ve heard of Harry Potter. Yes, that Harry Potter. The one who went to Hogwarts, the one who has an...
The History of the Dell Logo
Think about your day. When you think about your day, you’ll likely find that some part of it was spent...
The History of The Dallas Cowboys Logo
The football team that’s known as America’s Team has been regarded as one of our country’s most famous teams and...
The Apple Logo Through The Years
We’re all familiar with the famous Apple logo, but how many of us know the history behind it? The Apple...
The History Of The Burger King Logo
Three hamburger fast-food chains are usually the first fast-food chains people think of: McDonald’s, Burger King, and Wendy’s. While McDonald’s...
Logo Redesigns That Hit The Nail On The Head
Logo redesigns can be big tasks and a risky move for brands, but with the right knowledge you can have...
What Is Adobe Creative Cloud And Do You Need It?
Here in the design industry, we hear about Adobe Creative Cloud suite all the time and it seems that every...
The Greatest Logo Redesigns Of 2021
Every year we see amazing redesigns from companies that have decided to give their company a refresh in the new...
Calendly Has A New Logo (And We Don’t Know What To Think About It)
Calendly, the leading cloud-based scheduling platform that eliminates hours of communication, recently launched its brand new logo. When Calendly was...
Everything You Wanted To Know About The New White House Logo
If you watched the inauguration along with the rest of America then you may have noticed that the White House...